Chorea – Homeopathic Tretment

Homeopathic treatment for Chorea

Chorea is an unbalanced, speedy, unrestrained, spontaneous, unwarranted movement of the different parts of the body. The kid usually looks twitchy or restive and incapable of sitting still. The term “chorea” originates from the Greek term for dance. The irregular and Choreaspasmodic activities of the legs, feet, arms, hands, or even face are similar to hopping. When the symptoms of chorea are severe, the episodes may cause gestures of the arms that result in the pitching of whatever is in the hands. Walking may develop into weird movements.

This syndrome, aka Sydenham’s chorea and Saint Vitus Dance, often, but not at all times, results from rheumatism. Chorea usually starts between the ages of 6 and 15. Some physicians believe that the symptoms of Chorea disappear after a few months, but in my practice, I documented only deterioration if appropriate treatment was not applied.

A medical practitioner has to differentiate the ‘dance-like’ gestures of the Saint Vitus Dance from athetosis and ballismus.

There is a few more medical disorder to differentiate chorea from –ataxia and Parkinsonism. The main diagnostic criteria are that Ataxia impacts intentional activities, and Chorea, as mentioned above, applies to involuntary movements. At the same time, Parkinsonism manifests by an interruption of controlled activities.  

The table below describes the difference between Chorea, Athetosis, and Ballismus.

It is very important to understand that Chorea is not a disease but a symptom of various diseases.

  • Saint Vitus Dance can come about due to different diseases and ailments.
  • Chorea is one of the symptoms of Huntington’s disease, a neurodegenerative inherited medical condition that impacts the coordination of skeleton muscles and results in intellectual debility and developmental disturbances.
  • Twenty-six percent of kids and teenagers with rheumatism advance Sydenham’s chorea as a complication of the main illness.
  • Chorea gravid arum is an uncommon form of Saint Vitus Dance that develops during
  • Some pharmaceutical drugs can cause the development of Saint Vitus Dance.
  • Neuroacanthocytosis is a hereditary disease that affects the peripheral and center nervous systems and muscle membranes. The most common complications of this illness are limb chorea, neuropathy, a facial tick, and seizures.

Chorea Differential Diagnostic

The following homeopathic remedies are most often used for Chorea treatment:

Agaricus [Agar] is an excellent remedy for cerebral involuntary movements (Chorea). The most common symptoms of Agaricus are:

  • The jerking may happen during sleep but is usually stronger while awake.
  • Significant congestion to the cranium widened pupils, and reddened face.
  • Involuntary movements are more active during thunderstorms. This symptom needs to be differentiated with similar in Phosphor.
  • Muscular twitching, especially twitching of the eyeballs and upper eyelids;
  • Angular spasmodic motions of the limbs: this is a condition when involuntary activities occur on an arm and an opposite leg. It is very important to differentiate this condition from similar Tarentula. In Tarentula cases, the chorea impacts the arm and leg on the right side and not across the body.
  • The lumbar part of the spine becomes tender and painful on palpation. Also, Agaricus leads to a cold sensation in the feet and weakness of the lower limbs. This symptom is similar to Conium, but in the case of Agaricus, it also has a tottering.
  • While the ailment advances, it is accompanied by significant weight loss and an idiotic look on the face.

Tarentula [Tarent] is one of the most usable and effective remedies for Chorea if the symptoms that the patient manifests are similar to this medicine:

  • Twitching impacts the right side of the body (right arm and right leg), and these spasmodic activities are equal during the day and night.  
  • Despite the spasm in the right leg, an individual feels better if running than walking.
  • The distraction of attention and emotions makes an individual feel better. Music is one of the best tools for this kind of diversion.

Zincum [Zinc] – the main symptom of this remedy is constant foot movement that happens even during night sleep. This remedy is appropriate when the Chorea started due to a blocked eruption. In my practice, I had an excellent example of this kind of Chorea: a 7-year-old boy got involuntary spasmodic face movements after his dermatitis had been treated with topical antibiotic creams. Zincum patients are usually depressed and irritable, and they feel worse from the consumption of alcohol.
Cimicifuga [Cimic] is the right remedy if involuntary motions impact the left side of the body and are accompanied by muscular pain similar to fibromyalgia and/or rheumatism in small joints. The spine is sensitive to palpation. Don’t forget that the main characteristic of this remedy is “Cherchez la Femme,” which means “Look for the woman.” Cimicifuga is indicated explicitly for young females with poor, irregular menstruation. Insomnia is also an essential symptom for Cimicifuga.

Belladonna [Bell] is beneficial in cases of “La Grande Choree”. The Belladonna patient changes position all the time. The twitching is usually directed to the back, and the patient’s head jerks backward. Belladonna is responsible for the high intensity of its symptoms. Sometimes, an individual needs to be restrained to avoid self-injury.

Conclusion about homeopathic treatment of Saint Vitus Dance.

Sydenham’s chorea, aka Saint Vitus Dance, chorea minor, and infectious chorea, is the illness of the central nervous system. This medical disorder manifests in the form of unintentional and swift, unbalanced hyperactivities of the different clusters of the muscles of the upper and lower limbs, eyes, lips, etc.

The Saint Vitus Dance usually fallouts from other medical conditions:

  • Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus;
  • Antipsychotic pharmaceutical medicine
  • Acute rheumatic fever (ARF);
  • Disseminated lupus erythematosus
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Cerebrovascular accident or malignant growth in the brain impacts the caudate nucleus.

Chorea tends to disturb kids between the ages of 4 and 16 and happens more often in females.  The beginning of this condition in adults is not common. 

Homeopathic medicine has potent weapons against different forms of Sydenham’s chorea. If remedies are used according to the “like cures like” rule, most patients get cured in a few months.

To make an appointment for an initial consultation and to discuss with Dr. Tsan if homeopathy is the right treatment choice for your kid, contact Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic at (267) 403-3085